Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tree Of Knowledge

Whilst deep in search of an appropriate designation for my blog, my mind happened upon a felicitous motivation towards acquiring knowledge. In Genesis we read about a man and a woman who are told they will be able to live in comfort for eternity so long as they do not partake the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil "for in the day that thou eatest thereof though shalt surely die." A serpent comes and tempts Eve to partake of this forbidden fruit. She sees that the tree is "desired to make one wise, she took the fruit thereof, and did eat, and also unto her husband with her; and he did eat."

Most people see this story as an opportunity to participate in the idle prattle of passing blame between the sexes or attempting to skew the story to fit their agenda. However, most people are missing the most important aspect of this story. They partook of the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. They gave up eternal comfort for knowledge.

In these modern days we have endless comforts that some could only dream of. We make excuses for not striving to further our education.

 "I have my degree."   "I don't have the time."   "I don't have the money to pay for college."   "I have too many kids that depend on me to be able to do any college work."   "I'm too old to learn anything."   "I'm too young to understand."

The list of excuses could continue for quiet some time, but I will cut it short and leave you with this. Adam and Eve sacrificed EVERYTHING to be able to have the benefits of knowledge. They understood the importance of continuing to grow and develop. They are the example we need to look to when we are feeling bored or indifferent in our learning. We need to learn from their example and apply this teaching to our lives.

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